Experience Based Certifications


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is known by many names in different countries. It is APL (Accreditation of Prior Learning), CCC (Crediting Current Competence), or APEL (Accrediting Prior Experiential Learning) in the UK, RPL in Australia and New Zealand, and PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) in Canada (although different jurisdictions within Canada use RPL and RCC (Recognition of Current Competence).Regardless of the title, all are the same and all are RPL. Most commonly it is known as Certifications Offered on the Basis of Experience. 

Recognition of Prior Learning is not a new concept. Please view for further information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_prior_learning

The International Organization for Standards Development (ISO), the same organization which develops and accredits standards like ISO 9000,  14000 and 18000 etc has paid due attention to this and developed an international standard titled IS0 17024.

The developed nations have paid particular attention to this area particularly Germany, Finland, USA, UK and Japan have learning models based on RPL.

Many international universities and government bodies today award diplomas and certifications based on RPL. For example: http://scqf.org.uk/more/rpl/

What we bring to you?

We at Oaj e Kamal, present you to become Certified in YOUR area of expertise through recognition of your already earned experience and qualification.

Why Should You Get Certified?


  • International accreditation for your past and present work experience and qualification
  • Certification received from GAQM (our certification partner)
  • Do not have to take examinations like other certification process
  • Excellent for Senior Professionals and professionals who cannot take out time to attend academic and training sessions for certifications.

Eligibility Criteria:  You can apply for certifications if you have a: 

a. bachelors or higher degree in Management, Economics, Business, Engineering or other fields (or Equivalent),

b.  Total general overall experience of 6-8 years 

c.  Out of total experience, 4-5 years in your relevant field in which you are seeking certification

 Stages of Application Process: There are 3 stages.

1. Application Review.  Application is received along with fee.  Here it is reviewed for any documents missing or for not clear copies.

2. Evaluation /Assessment by Oaj e Kamal. 

In lieu of examination, Oaj e Kamal may assess the candidate’s competency on any one or all of the following options:

i. Verification of documents upon sampling basis.

ii. We may ask to submit a document, a proposal, a job evaluation or any assignment in functional area of expertise to assess the competence of the candidate.

iii. We may further interview the candidate to assess their competence. (5 to 30 minutes duration focusing on their past 3 years and work done during that period)

3. Award of Certification by our certification partner upon recommendation by Oaj e Kamal.

  1. Once satisfied with respect to Evaluation Criteria as mentioned above, Oaj e Kamal will recommend names of such candidates to its Certification Partners along with the respective certification titles, who may then issue Certificates accordingly.
  2. Please be noted that the assessment / examinations if any are conducted by Oaj e Kamal and certification partners are only forwarded the names of successful candidates.
  3. The certificates issued carry the same status whether based on experience or based on examinations.

Processing Time: 3-4 weeks after your application is received

Fee: Processing and Certification:

  1. PKR 45,600 and onwards for first time application, assessment and award of certificati0n.
  2. Annual subscription fee of PKR 6,000/
  3.  Renewal fee of PKR 12,000 after 3 years

Criteria for Renewal:

  1. Engagement in work/contract/ assignment in relevant field for at least 12 months during renewal period of total 3 years OR
  2. CPD (Continued Professional Development) activity of 8 Guided Learning Hours per year or 24 hours in 3 years verified by a certificate of attendance in a workshop/seminar/training activity for example 1 full day training of 8 hours constitutes 8 guided learning hours of activity OR
  3. Teaching/acting as resource person for 12 hours per year or 36 hours in 3 years

Functional Areas Covered:

  1. RPL offered by Oaj e Kamal covers  various functional areas like HR, Supply Chain, Organization Development, Sales, Administration, Marketing, Branding, Advertising, Finance,  HSE (Health, Safety and Environment), Security, Information Technology, Strategy Development, Corporate Governance, Customer Sales Representatives, Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
  2. In case your functional expertise is not included in the above list you may contact us to seek information for your relevant area.

How to Apply for Experienced Based Certification?  

Send us an email with subject “Registration in RPL” along with :

  1. Your CV up to present date
  2. Scanned copies of your experience certificates
  3. Scanned copies of certificates of any course / workshop / diploma/ seminar attended.
  4. Scanned copy of fee evidence / deposit slip / electronic transfer in our bank account.

Successful Candidates Shall Receive:  

  •  Certification for their relevant field (3 years validity) after which it will be renewed  against a renewal fee after every three years.

Additional Benefits: Candidates having received experienced based certifications:

  • Will be offered a discount of 50% to sit in Certification Training Program offered for that certification at any later time up to 1 year.
  • Will be offered a discount of 25% on all other training programs.
  • Will be eligible to be engaged as Resource Person / Trainer for programs conducted for that certification.
 Mr. Imran Khan Lodhi
 Senior Marketing Executive
Cell: +92 313 403 6381
Land line: +92 51  84 85 217  +92 51  84 85 219
                    +92 51  84 85 218 + 92 51  84 85 220
Email:  trainings@oajekamal.com

Important: Please view the guidelines which also serve as terms of reference for the service contract between Oaj e Kamal and candidates for certification programs

