
Earlier Work:

We started working as an in-house training department for our parent organization 12AM (spoken as Twelve Ay Em) in 2003, which was an on-line sales and recruitment business.

Our training work in sales, motivation, goal setting, business negotiations, anxiety and stress management, people mastery, strategic management training and vision achievement tools distinguished us as quality experts and we were requested by other organizations to train their departments for them.

The Name:

The name Oaj e Kamal was then for the first time in 2005 set off to be marketed out to other organizations, while previously it was an organization within the organization. The journey had started.

Since then we have partnered with several organizations and delivered several projects to clients as working together or exclusively.

Partnering History:

We worked with TMRC Consulting, Exuberant Group, East Side Services, National Foundation for Resource Development to serve clients mutually.

Our Current Status:

Considering quality feed back from our client organizations and customers, keeping in view inherent strength of developing need based syallabi for audience and delivering tranining matching international standards of excellence in Coaching and Training,  Oaj e Kamal now offers its own Certified Training Course and Programs.

Our Work To This Date:

To this date we have trained over 100,000 people from over 300 organizations in 1400 sessions. We have successfully delivered projects to over 30 organizations in HR, Productivity, Strategic Management, Executive Development and Organization Development.